Campaigning: writing to your MP about digital inclusion

How to engage with your MP so that they know about your organisation and the importance of your digital inclusion work.

Why contact your MP?

Politicians play a key role in bridging the digital divide. We engage with them because our collective voice as dedicated supporters makes a difference. Although it may seem intimidating, contacting your MP is simpler than you might think and is the most direct way to ensure your concerns are heard. Local actions can catalyse national reforms.

What can your MP do?

Your MP represents you in Parliament, regardless of your vote in the election. They can raise awareness about digital inclusion issues affecting your area by:

  • Voting on related legislation.
  • Writing to or meeting with ministers responsible for digital policies.
  • Asking questions in Parliament to bring attention to specific digital inclusion challenges.
  • Requesting debates on digital access and literacy, ensuring government ministers address these concerns.

Although it may seem intimidating, contacting your MP is simpler than you might think and is the most direct way to ensure your concerns are heard.

By discussing local digital access issues with your MP, you contribute to a broader campaign for digital inclusion. Local actions can catalyse national reforms.

How to find your MP

You can look up your local MP at or contact the House of Commons Information Office.

Why not contact a government minister directly?

While directly contacting a minister is sometimes suggested, it's often more effective to go through your MP, who represents you and many others.

Tips for writing to your MP

Whether you choose email or a handwritten letter, include your name and address. Personalise your message with your experiences or local examples of the digital divide. You should clearly state the actions you wish your MP to take. 

You can use our Writing to your MP - letter template to guide you. 

1. Use the right address

All MPs can be reached via email, typically formatted as [firstname].[lastname] For letters, MPs have offices in both their constituency and Parliament. While sending your correspondence to either is acceptable, the Westminster address is often most straightforward. 

2. Use the correct title

Use the appropriate honorifics based on your MP’s title. Some MPs may have titles like ‘Sir’ or ‘Dame’ due to honours received, which should be used if applicable.  When in doubt, ‘MP’ suffices,

3. Keep it simple

Your communication should be concise, clear, and to the point. Start by explaining why digital inclusion matters to you, including any impacts on the community, and conclude with specific actions you'd like your MP to take. Avoid jargon to ensure your message is accessible and engaging. MPs manage a high volume of correspondence, so clarity is key. 

4. Tell a personal story

Personal experiences with digital exclusion can powerfully convey the urgency and importance of digital inclusion. Whether it's your story or that of someone you know, sharing these experiences can provide your MP with insights they might not have. If you haven’t directly faced digital exclusion, consider how the lack of digital access has affected your community or why digital literacy is crucial for everyone. 

5. Use good information to support your email or letter

Back your letter with solid data and examples. Highlight local digital inclusion initiatives or lack thereof, referencing specific needs and opportunities for improvement in your area. Your local government or digital inclusion organisations may have reports and data you can cite to strengthen your case. 

6. Have a clear action for your MP to take

Be explicit about the actions you want your MP to undertake. This could include advocating for digital literacy programs, supporting legislation for broadband expansion, or raising specific community needs in Parliament. The clearer your request, the easier it is for your MP to act on it.

Our policy asks

  • National Network for All
  • Cross-Govt leadership
  • VAT reduction on broadband social tariffs 
  • Redundant devices donated to the National Device Bank
  • Supporting a Minimum Digital Living Standard

Further questions? 

If you have questions about advocating for digital inclusion with your MP, contact us at