Before you start...

The National Digital Inclusion Network, made up of thousands of organisations across the UK, is free to join. By becoming a member, your organisation gains access to support, services and training, enabling you to provide free digital inclusion support to your local community.

Please feel free to check the full eligibility criteria. Otherwise, choose the option below that best describes you.

I am...

Part of an organisation currently supporting people

If your organisation is already supporting people with digital inclusion, or would like to start, our network is for you.

Not supporting people directly but interested in Good Things' work

Stay informed about our initiatives by subscribing to our monthly newsletter.

Looking for local support for me or my family

Use Good Things' dedicated support page to find the help you need.

Are you looking to help us in some other way?

Join us in creating a digitally inclusive society. Partner with us to bridge the digital divide in the UK while contributing to your environmental, social, and governance goals.

Find out about partnering with us