Supporting accessibility needs
People with an impairment are 2 times more likely to lack foundation level digital skills.
There is a skills gap for those with impairments and some lack the ability to complete the most basic digital tasks as reported in the Lloyds UK Consumer Digital Index 2023.
These people can be amongst the hardest to reach but often have even more to gain from being online than others. Accessibility needs and financial constraints can mean disabled people face additional barriers to getting online.
These resources can both help you to reach out to this audience and give you access to the skills and tools you need to fully support them.
Browse all 'Supporting accessibility needs' resources
PSTN leaflets from Tech UK
Tech UK have created these handy leaflets that explain the switch to digital voice to the public, businesses and telecare users.
Helping people to prepare for the changes to UK landlines
The UK’s landlines are going digital, but what does this mean for you and the people you support?
AbilityNet: my computer my way
Guides with step by step instructions on how to adapt a device to meet individual needs.
AbilityNet: advice on accessibility
Accessibility support and resources from AbilityNet.
Doing digital inclusion with people with learning disabilities handbook
This guide is for small organisations who want to do more to reach the most digitally excluded people in the UK.