Fix The Digital Divide Fund

For over 12 years, Good Things Foundation has enabled thousands of National Digital Inclusion Network members to access grants and funding, who've used the funds to do things like buy new tech, resource staff, hire venues, arrange external training and create digital support resources.

Good Things run the Fix The Digital Divide Fund, a digital inclusion grant offer exclusive for Network members, as well as work with external partners to offer additional funding opportunities throughout the year.

We have allocated all of our Good Things Foundation and external funding for 2025. We'll share news on upcoming funding when available.  

Other grants

  • HMRC: Advice and support grant (2024-2027)

    Good Things Foundation is delighted to be working with His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to deliver a 3 year programme which aims to help 12,000 individuals who need extra help in understanding and complying with their tax affairs and claiming their entitlements.