National Device Bank: help your community get connected with refurbished devices

What is the National Device Bank?

1.5 million tonnes of tech goes to landfill every year, yet many digitally excluded people still lack access to their own device.

So Good Things Foundation created the National Device Bank to rehome devices. Donated devices are refurbished and distributed to communities through the National Digital Inclusion Network.

Network members can apply for these free devices to give to the people they support.

National Device Bank - Round 9 - October 2024 

Due to the large number of applications already received this opportunity is now closed.

This is slightly earlier than expected, but was always a possibility as explained in the Application Guidance. 

If you haven't yet fully submitted your application, you can no longer do so.

Check back here to find out about future rounds of the National Device Bank. 

Join the network

How does the National Device Bank work for Network members?

1. Disused devices like laptops, tablets, and phones are donated by trusted organisations of any size and sector.

2. These devices are securely collected, wiped, and refurbished by Good Things’ partner Reconome.

3. After refurbishment, devices are paired with free mobile data from the National Databank

4. Devices are distributed in rounds to members of the Network based on the donations we receive - you must first apply for these devices.

5. Members in the Network give the devices to digitally excluded people in their community who are unable to access their own.

“This device has given me and other learners a new voice, new appreciation and new inspiration.”
Shahana, device recipient


“25 women have received tablets. Most are young mothers with young children and migrants living in Temporary shared accommodation. Supporting them with a device has improved their quality of life.”
- 4MNet, National Digital Inclusion Network member

Provide refurbished devices to people in your community 

Members of the National Digital Inclusion Network can apply for free refurbished devices to give to people in your community who can’t afford or access their own. 

Paired with data from the National Databank, these devices will help your community access essential services, keep in touch with loved ones, build digital skills and stay up-to-date with our increasingly digital world.

Good Things Foundation is working hard to secure device donations for members of the National Digital Inclusion Network. Unfortunately we don't have any devices available right now. Check back soon or sign up to our newsletter to find out when we get more donations in!

Help people access devices

Good Things are working hard to secure more refurbished devices. Check back here or on 'View my Hub' to find out when devices become available.

Not yet a Network member?

Join the National Digital Inclusion Network to access the National Device Bank.

Learn more about National Device Bank delivery

Take a look at these helpful resources

The pillars of digital inclusion

People need digital skills, internet connectivity and access to a device to be digitally included.

The impact of the National Device Bank

Kobra's story

New to the UK with her children, Kobra's life was transformed by access to a free device

Jonathan's story

From asylum seeker to volunteer, Jonathan's life was changed with a laptop from the Device Bank

Stories of women from 4Mnet

Access to devices is helping to break down barriers for marginalised women supported by 4Mnet